2024 Social Impact Report
In 2024, Liverpool ONE reinforced its commitment to Social Impact by strengthening collaborations with community and cultural organisations, placing culture and communities at the heart of all we do, while making Liverpool ONE more sustainable.
This year saw the launch of our first Tenant Charter, reflecting our shared values, alongside a record number of events and collaborations that brought people together, inspired creativity, and supported local communities.
Sustainability remains central to our mission by working closely with partners, tenants and visitors. We made progress in improving recycling rates, enhancing biodiversity and enriching of our green spaces. These efforts embody our collective vision for a more sustainable future for Liverpool ONE and the city as a whole.
Looking ahead, we will build on our successes. Through continued collaboration with city partners, local communities, tenants, and our team, we aim to embed social and environmental responsibility further. Together, we will ensure Liverpool ONE remains a destination where culture thrives, communities prosper, and sustainability is a shared priority for generations to come.
Healthy communities lead to a healthy economy

Our 2024 Highlights
£268,209 Liverpool ONE Foundation Grants distributed benefitting over 4,500 people in the region in 2024
12th year with Green Flag for Chavasse Park
90+ community events, busking and choir performances hosted
Maintained 100% Zero waste to landfill, diverting 2,300 tonnes from landfill
100,621 kWh clean energy generated by our solar panels
students supported with site visits, presentations and work experience.
years maintaining the ISO14001 for our Waste Management System
190 hours of volunteering by the Liverpool ONE Team across 11 organisations in the region
6 teams and sport clubs supported with our Summer of Sport grant competition
1st year with Green Heritage Site accreditation
3 new accessibility digital tools implemented
53% recycling achieved, up from 43% and aiming for 70% during 2025

Taking pride in protecting our natural environment
Key Achievements in focus
Supporting Young People
Over 5,000 young people benefited from our initiatives in 2024 working with partners, schools, community groups and grant funded organisations through the Liverpool ONE Foundation.
During 2024 the Liverpool ONE Foundation awarded grants to 10 organisations including:Pure Insight 1628 in Halton; Home Start Knowsley and The First Step in Knowsley; Growing Sudley CIC in Liverpool, Conquer Life CIC, Shy Lowen and VENUS in Sefton; Next Chapter NW CIC, Open Door Charity and UK Unplugged CIC in Wirral.
Additionally, several collaborations with schools and universities allowed over 650 students to get to know Liverpool ONE, learning through industry days including PLACED Academy or by participating in Work Experience Week.
As part of our annual event calendar multiple events are hosted with young people at the heart. Events have included the young entrepreneurs food market, a 3×3 tournament, ChessFest, the first Mosh Tots pop-up in Liverpool, sponsoring the Wirral Sports Awards and different mental health workshops hosted throughout the year.
Culture Partners
Through our Culture Partners programme, we facilitated and hosted over 90 cultural and community events and displays bringing to Liverpool ONE a taste of the talent and diversity found across our region including music, art, fashion, sport and literature.
Events and displays included Tree Story Exhibition, ChessFest, World Poetry Day display, LEAP Dance Festival, gymnastics and accessible sports workshops, Katumba’s carnival parade, 3×3 Community basketball tournament, Chinese New Year Lion parade, University of Liverpool Literary Festival display, dot-art Schools display and many more.
Music sits at the heart of our place shaping initiatives and we are proud to support the UNESCO City of Music. We have further developed the ‘Liverpool ONE Live’ busking programme, and together with our annual piano festival, Tickle the Ivories, we continue to encourage hundreds of musicians to share their talent with visitors, together with numerous local and international choirs and bands, who took to centre stage through the year.
If you could benefit from performing, displaying or hosting an event at Liverpool ONE, get in touch on www.liverpool-one.com/culture-partners
Tenant Charter
2024 saw the launch of our Tenant Charter aiming to create a platform for tenants, staff and the Liverpool ONE Team to come together in our Social Impact journey.
Centred around the 6 pillars from our Social Impact Framework, the charter realises the combined impact of responsible behaviours on communities and the environment, improving the sustainability of our future.
The Tenant Charter has strengthened relationships with tenants showcasing best practice with a greater focus on championing key initiatives such as accessibility and inclusivity.
We continue to foster continuous development through collaboration. We thank our 170 tenants and the 4,500 community working and living at Liverpool ONE for their support on this journey as our collective efforts and behaviours are having a much greater positive impact in our communities and environment.
Liverpool City Region has around 58,000 households with at least one disabled member, representing almost 40% of all households across the region.
Liverpool ONE has led the way in establishing the Accessibility Forum to make Liverpool welcoming for everyone.
Two new digital tools, Sociability and Waymap, are being piloted to enhance existing accessibility facilities and tools, with the aim of supporting visitors both ahead of their visit and once they arrive at Liverpool ONE.
The collaboration with expert organisations enables learning opportunities across the tenant community.
We are encouraging feedback from visitors and partners on their accessibility experience including the use of these apps, to find out more and provide comments visit liverpool-one.com/accessibility
Enhancing Green Spaces
Chavasse Park and the Memorial Garden provide two main green spaces at Liverpool ONE.
Once again, we have maintained Green Flag status for Chavasse Park, which recognises high standards on the upkeep of the park together with the high-quality events delivered throughout the year.
For the fist time, Liverpool ONE is recognised with Green Heritage Site status rewarding our conservation standards, the celebration of our historic features including our work in collaboration with National Museums Liverpool on the Old Dock, the enhancements of St Thomas’s Memorial Garden and best practice around our Heritage Trail and Nature Trail.
The enhancements of St Thomas’s Memorial Garden continued during 2024 with the display of a poetry display working with local schools, the installation of biopods and renewal of the flower beds.
Pioneering on recycling
The introduction of a new Mobile Segregation Unit (MSU) has seen recycling rates increasing by 10 points in 2024 across Liverpool ONE.
The MSU has previously only been used at major transport hubs in the UK with the launch of the Liverpool ONE facility marking the first-ever of its kind at a retail destination.
Liverpool ONE has consistently met industry standards on waste management and maintained a ‘Zero Waste to Landfill’ status as well as maintaining the ISO14001 for our Waste Management System.