Keeping you safe
Located at the heart of a city famed for its warm welcome, we endeavour to provide a safe and pleasant environment for our visitors and the staff working at the multitude of stores, restaurants and entertainment venues at Liverpool ONE. We are proud to be able to do this by working closely with partners including Merseyside Police and Liverpool City Council.
Looking out for you
Our friendly and specially trained Security and Guest Service Teams are here to help, and they will always do their best to ensure you have a great experience, so don’t be surprised when a team member approaches you to say hello. If you have any questions, please ask.
You will also find more friendly faces at the Information Centre on Wall Street, ready to help with directions to your favourite brands, city attractions, plus lost-and-found facilities, just in case.
Project Servator
We support Project Servator – a national policing tactic aimed at disrupting a range of criminal activity, while providing a reassuring presence for the public. You may see police officers here, carrying out Project Servator deployments, which are highly visible and unpredictable. But don’t worry, it’s one of the ways we work to keep you safe and ensure you get the most out of your visit to Liverpool ONE and our fantastic city.
The officers will liaise with our staff, and they will happily talk to you about Project Servator, so feel free to chat with them. You can find out more about Project Servator on the Merseyside Police website.
What else do we do to keep you safe?
We pride ourselves on maintaining high standards and have a range of security measures in place to keep you safe. Some of these are highly visible, others less so. Measures include security patrols across the whole Liverpool ONE estate, round-the-clock monitoring of our state-of-the-art CCTV system, and we have 24/7 contact with City Watch – Liverpool City Council’s CCTV monitoring service.
How can you help?
Always keep your belongings with you and remember you have a key role to play in reporting anything you see or hear that doesn’t feel right. Trust your instincts and let us know about anything suspicious, no matter how minor you think it is.