
优衣库将在Liverpool ONE

10 月 29 日

向优衣库问好:Liverpool ONE 准备迎接日本时装巨头首次进驻该市。

Internationally acclaimed fashion brand, UNIQLO, is to make its city debut at Liverpool ONE. The Japanese retailer is set to open this spring alongside Paradise Street’s line-up of flagship stores. The commitment of the fashion giant reemphasises Liverpool ONE’s position as a UK forerunner in attracting high-performing, world-renowned brands.

Liverpool ONE 新店将秉承优衣库标志性的 "体验主导 "风格,采用深思熟虑的布局和空间设计方法,打造无缝购物体验。店内将陈列优衣库标志性的高品质女装、男装和童装系列,以及标志性的箱包和其他配件。新店还将融入创新特色,包括自助结账区和专用收款点。优衣库的品牌理念是经久耐用和多功能,因此新店还将提供服装维修、修改和回收服务,以延长优衣库服装的使用寿命。

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